
Hello and meow

I am a Maine Coon Cat from Germany. I live in a cabin and mostly outdoors in a 5-hectare wetland area in a suburban region of Berlin. I am a campaigner for the ecosystem, for climate change awareness, and a sustainable lifestyle.
These news channels and broadcasters already screened my videos: Buzzfeed, CNN, The DoDo, BoredPanda, Unilad, and Pro 7 Galileo.



My hobbies

I love strolling around at the bank of our river and on the meadows, observing insects and more giant animals. I love hunting mice and rats.
I often go by boat and kayak with my humans.

Food favorites
I eat bio-organic food from different brands and once a week raw food, especially the heart of beef, raw chicken, chicken hearts, and turkey hen.

Typical for Maine Coona cats, my fur is very thick; therefore, my humans use an undercoat comb for grooming! They brush me every morning, and I get some treats meanwhile šŸ™‚